Newest Collection Phases
we have teamed up with designer Jennifer Hoey’s award-winning Suede Studio to create a new line.Phases is a versatile collection inspired by the ever-changing stages of life that is both functional and beautiful.
Rocky Mountain
We bring our customers’ creative concepts to life with bespoke designs cast in premium quality bronze.
What we do cannot be replicated en masse. Our products are handmade from mold to finish.
Baldwin CabinetHardware
Discover how unparalleled craftmanship translates
into a new medium with Baldwin Cabinet Hardware.
Montana Forge
Our Montana Forge hardware is one of the most
affordable luxury brands in the industry, helping you step-up
to a new and exciting level of exquisite craftsmanship.
A Signature Look
Explore our newest Graphite Nickel
Finish and all of our exclusive Estate styles.
Acvanced Features
Montana Forge includes advanced features such as solid brass cylinders,
nickel plated bolts, concealed screws, all metal nickel plated chassis, built in lockwashers,
and a “convenience latch” with a short 28-degree rotation for easy access.
우리의 쇼룸
Kim's Hardware is distributed exclusively through select showrooms
around the world. Find a dealer near you.
Blog posts
Beyond Neutrals 5 Ways to Bring Colour into Your Kitchen - by Naked Kitchens
Interior Insights: Studio Seiders
Stylish Neutral Kitchen Ideas for 2024
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